Business Breakfast event speakers

Exemplary organisations from both the UK and Europe will give practical advice on how to become a cycle friendly employer
Join the Dutch Embassy and Cycling UK for an informative business breakfast and networking event where you will hear from outstanding individuals and organisations about how and why you should encourage more of your employees to consider cycling to work.

Keynote speakers

Julian Scriven, Chair of nextbike UK, Managing Director, Brompton Bike Hire

Julian Scriven has an outstanding record of building teams and managing key divisions for a variety of international companies. His passion for public transport, sustainability, community investment and stakeholder engagement has seen him lead the way in some of the most competitive sectors on the planet - driving growth and disrupting the norm.

A skilled marketer and outstanding multi-lingual communicator, Julian's ability to foster relationships across Europe have enabled him to build valuable corporate relationships and negotiate competitive contracts. Whether start-up or turnaround, his successes have led to a string of directorships and managing director roles.

Dr Kevin Golding-Williams, Head of Cycling and Walking Policy, Department for Transport

Kevin leads on cycling and walking policy including the ongoing development of the Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy and works with Departments across Government to support delivery of the Strategy.

Previously, Kevin led the development of the first statutory Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy. Prior to joining the Department Kevin delivered Living Streets public affairs functions in Wales and England as Head of Public Affairs.

Mirjam Borsboom, Senior Policy advisor international Cycling Strategies and Policies

With an engineering degrees in both Industrial Engineering (BSc) and Civil Engineering (MSc), she has learned to deal with complex multi-model, systems problems and knows how to tackle these. During her studies she worked on projects with large companies such as Philips, A.T. Kearney and the Schiphol Group. Several new initiatives were set up, for example the participation to the classic sailing competition the Race of the Classics of Team Eindhoven.

Her professional career projects were focused within the field of mobility and carried out with ARANE consultancy, Delft Road Safety Course, Delft University of Technology, PPA, Rijkswaterstaat (executive part of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment) and the Schiphol Group, amongst others.

Panel discussion: the benefits of being a cycle-friendly organisation

Simone Vonken, Policy officer at Eindhoven University of Technology

Simone Vonken, policy officer at Eindhoven University of Technology, also plays the role of  'bicycle ambassador' at the university. She helps to shape new measures to encouareg more people to cycle and acts as contact for bicycle related questions.

Many measures have been implemented in recent years to further stimulate bicycle use among employees, students and visitors. Simone is very proud to say that around 50% of employees come to work by bike. “I also think it is great that the many efforts have led us as a university to be awarded the golden certificate for bicycle-friendly company by the Fietsersbond.“

Xander Vlasblom, Mission Critical Engineer at Schuberg Philis

Schuberg Philis helps organisations with their digital transformation. From the establishment in 2003, the distinctive power lies with the self-managing teams of experts, who dare to take responsibility for promises made, achieving 100% results and customer satisfaction in complex and changing Mission Critical environments. Xander provides AV (audio visual services) and Facility within this organisation.

The task is to relieve employees as much as possible and to ensure a pleasant working environment. “Colleagues who come by bike must be provided with all conveniences, changing room, showers, towels, washing machine and dryers, healthy food, covered bicycle parking with an extensive workshop equipped with all necessary tools and so on."

Panel discussion: practical ways you can support your staff to cycle

Max Mooij, Officer for certification ‘bicycle friendly employer’ in the Netherlands, Fietsersbond

Max is very active within the Fietsersbond to encourage Dutch companies to become more bicycle-friendly. He advises organisations on how they can meet the certification and what measures they should take. “I encourage employers to become a Bicycle Friendly Company. Together with them we ensure that more employees (more often) take the bike to work. ”

James Palser, Cycle Friendly Employer accreditation Project Manager for the UK, Cycling UK

James's career has focused on helping people overcome the barriers to participating in cycling, most recently centring on workplace engagement; how workplaces can be the catalyst for behaviour change and become a powerful voice for advocacy. James is also a qualified cycle instructor and has taught hundreds of people to cycle as a Bikeability instructor and Bike It officer. 

His role as the Cycle Friendly Employer accreditation Project Manager for the UK makes him ideally placed to advise businesses on how to attract and retain their best talent by making their colleagues' commute by bike easier and stress-free.