Cambridgeshire and Peterborough candidates all pledge to improve cycling across Combined Authority region

Cambridge is well known for its world-class cycle infrastructure (Credit: Camcycle)
All of the main candidates for Metro Mayor of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough have now responded to our Vote Bike action.

Ahead of the election for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Metro Mayor on 04 May, all of the main candidates have now pledged to improve conditions across the region for people wishing to cycle.

Camcycle, working with Cycling UK, the national cycling charity, devised a set of three asks for the candidates to sign up to. In short, those asks were to:

  1. Ensure cycling is fully designed into all new roads projects
  2. Ensure cycling is fully designed into all new developments
  3. Support transport authorities in building cycle networks at a local level and ensure that all networks are linked to key transport hubs

Paul Bullen (UKIP), Rod Cantrill (Lib Dem), Julie Howell (Green) and Kevin Price (Labour) agreed to all of the above asks if elected.

Peter Dawe (Independent) only agreed to questions 2 and 3.

James Palmer (Conservative) declined to answer the questions but gave a statement:

“Cycling is an important mode of transport, particularly for those fortunate enough to live close to cities and have office based jobs.

“The City Deal has large amounts of money to spend on cycling routes and I will encourage them to do so.

“When new roads are built I will look in to the possibility of providing cycle routes alongside them. I will also encourage developers to include cycle routes in new estates.

“I am mindful of the popularity of cycling and it will be an important part of my vision for new infrastructure in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough."

Rod Cantrill said:

“As a former cycle champion for Cambridge City Council - I see cycling as a key form of sustainable transport - and value it as a component of an integrated transport system.”

Peter Dawe said:

“Cycling is a key technology. Electric cycles and velocycles can transform urban transport. It is not effective to provide expensive infrastructure where cycles will not make a significant contribution, such as long distance routes.”

Kevin Price said:

“Although cycling levels across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough are higher than the national average, and Cambridge is rated first out of all local authority areas, there is still a lot to do. We can improve cycling, particularly in rural areas as the £10m Greenways cycling project funded through the Greater Cambridge City Deal connecting villages across South Cambridgeshire to Cambridge has shown.”

Paul Bullen and Julie Howell did not leave a comment.

Roxanne Debeaux, Campaigns Officer for Camcycle, said:

"Camcycle thanks Cycling UK for their Vote Bike initiative which allows voters to quickly assess the candidates’ attitudes towards cycling. It is pleasing to see that most candidates support the Vote Bike asks.

“Following the election, we will continue to campaign for cycling and we will hold the Mayor accountable for their commitments for cycling.

“From day one the Mayor will have a number of challenges to deal with including keeping our region moving. Cycling is a cost effective and proven solution which will require investment and commitment from our new mayor."

Tom Guha, Cycling UK’s Space for Cycling Campaigns Officer, said:

“It is great to see that whoever is elected in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough will encourage cycling as a form of sustainable and active travel. The region is home to one of the greatest places to cycle in the world - Cambridge City. This election now gives an opportunity to the rest of the region to share in Cambridge’s success. We look forward to working with whoever is elected to make a success of their commitments.”

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Notes to editors

  1. Cycling UK, the national cycling charity, inspires and helps people to cycle and keep cycling, whatever kind of cycling they do or would like to do. Over a century’s experience tells us that cycling is more than useful transport; it makes you feel good, gives you a sense of freedom and creates a better environment for everyone.
  2. For more information on our campaign asks in Greater Manchester, including more detailed quotes from each candidate, see:
  3. The Space for Cycling campaign is a campaign for better cycle infrastructure, so that anyone feels safe to cycle anywhere. It was created by the London Cycling Campaign in 2014 and has since been taken national by Cycling UK. For more information on the history of the campaign see 
  4. Camcycle is the local cycle campaign for Cambridge: 
  5. The Vote Bike campaign is a tactical campaign launched by Cycling UK in response to elections.
  6. Under the Cities and Local Government Devolution Act 2016, combined authorities are offered a selection of new powers on condition that they agree to be chaired by a directly elected Metro Mayor. For more information on Metro Mayors and their roles and responsibilities, see mayors/#whois

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Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0844-736-8453