It's safe to cycle - positive perceptions to increase women's cycling

This year’s Women’s Festival of Cycling takes place at a time when more people are cycling, bike sales are up, more families are cycling together, and Governments across the UK are telling everyone to cycle to work. During the Women’s Festival of Cycling we are looking at how we seize this moment and keep those women new to cycling on their bikes, as well as enabling others to take it up.

Online Bicycle Mechanic Workshop: How to do a basic service

Annoying creaks? Wobbly bits? Making sure your bike is roadworthy is not just about comfort it is also important to keep you going while riding. 

We are inviting women to join our FREE online bicycle mechanic workshop. Due to social distancing measures it will take place in our "virtual classroom" where you can follow along in the comfort of your own home, learn how to fix your bike yourself, and have all your questions answered.

Online Bicycle Mechanic Workshop: How to fix a puncture

Knowing how to fix a puncture is essential for any cyclist. It is the basic knowledge that will get you out of sticky situations yourself, and once you are confident enough to fix your own bike you may even be able to help out others too. 

We are inviting women to join our FREE online bicycle mechanic workshop. Due to social distancing measures it will take place in our "virtual classroom" where you can follow along in the comfort of your own home, learn how to fix your bike yourself, and have all your questions answered.

Going solo: The first step to your own adventure

Every journey starts somewhere. But sometimes taking that first step (or in our case, pedal turn) is the hardest. In our discussion "Going Solo" we´ll be helping to overcome fears of cycling alone and achieving what you want to achieve for you, by you.

We'll be joined by some of the UK's most impressive long-distance, solo cyclists have joined this panel to share their experience. Whilst cycling for 10 days on 2 hours of sleep per night in the wilderness is impressive and makes a great story, you need not worry - these heroes had to start as beginners too!

Exploring the cycling solutions for women

Much of the conversation during the global pandemic has been around not reverting to doing things in the same way, and what the new ‘normal’ could look like. This year’s Women’s Festival of Cycling takes place at a time when more women are giving cycling a go, bike sales are up and Governments across the UK are encouraging everyone to cycle to work. 

This webinar will discuss how we can seize this moment, keep women who are new to cycling on their bikes and enable even more to take up cycling.