Patti Zogolovitch

Patti Zogolovitch
Patti Zogolovitch
Patti Zogolovitch is part of Cycling UK's 100 Women in Cycling 2018 list for being a brilliant example of being of busy mum of a large family is no obstacle to cycling.

Patti got her first cargobike – a second-hand, a bit rusty, and pink – after feeling inspired by another mother who used one to cycle her children about. Patti’s cargobike has now done the school run for the last four years, even though the preganacy of her fourth child. Gradually her older children have progressed to cycling along independently behind her – an experience Patti admit leaves her feeling like a ‘mother duck’! Patti is also the school’s unofficial gardener, using the bike to carry soil, plants and tools when running gardening club with the children.

It’s this commitment through all seasons that has made Patti something of a local role model.

Children find it amusing; the kids and I love seeing people’s reactions to the bike, especially people who have never seen them before.

- Patti Zogolovitch

Patti says, “I find people often stop and ask me about the bike and where I got it? Is it heavy to cycle? I’m always positive about cycling, and say how great it is to get around London and to mums with kids, I say how perfect it is to get kids around from A to B. If I’m in a park I always offer people a cycle trial if they are considering getting one. Children find it amusing; the kids and I love seeing people’s reactions to the bike, especially people who have never seen them before.

“I love my bike, even with its rusty bits, and the kids love it as well. When we go on picnics or days out in London we can fill the box with the kids and our food and games and take off. It also makes people smile and wave hello. But mostly I love that it keeps me fit and I am not causing pollution. I also feel it sets a good example to my children, whom I hope will take up cycling as an everyday mode of transport.”

Patti Zogolovitch and her cargobike

Cycling UK’s 100 Women in Cycling is an annual list celebrating inspirational women who are encouraging others to take part in this wonderful and life-enhancing activity.

Further reading